"Dr. Park Treated Me And My Oral Needs With The Utmost Care!"
Hi, I’m Kim. I’m here at Dr. Park’s office and I am a patient of sedation, dental implants, and crowns. When I was in high school, I had some work done and they did the first sedation and it seemed to just be perfect. So as an adult, when I’m looking for my own dentist, that’s when we looked up Dr. Park. The first time I came in here, Dr. Park had a Hawaiian shirt on and I was like, oh my gosh, he’s a surfer. He’s great. He talks to you like you should be spoken to. I was embarrassed because I had some dental problems that I’m too young to have, and ” Hey, we’ll just fix it.”
So Dr. Park came very highly recommended. I looked at his referrals, and it was very important that he could do everything in-house. So if I needed a crown, the crown could be made here. If I need the sedation, it could be done here. He does it all.

He didn’t talk down to me. Sometimes when you’re just embarrassed, my teeth, some of the crowns were different colors and he fixed them all. And “Hey, we’re just going to make it all perfect.” I commute to come here. So that’s important. If I had to take off time from work, I want to make sure that I’m going to the dentist and then the dentist is going to be the same one who says, okay, we have a problem. Let’s fix it. Oh no, we need to have an implant. Okay, I’m going to do the implant too and I’m going to do the crowns. It’s just nice to work with just one person.
Dr. Park
Kimberly is such a sweet patient. She’s got a great personality. However, her teeth are always decaying. She’s one of those patients that even though you brush every day, but her teeth are not very strong. But the problem with her was her anxiety level was very high, even though we had a established great relationship from the beginning. So she has been my sedation patient ever since for a long time. I think she’s been my patient for over 10 years, and whatever dental needs she has from root canal to implant to crown, I was able to deliver that service to her in a very happy manner.
So Dr. Park came very highly recommended. I looked at his referrals, and it was very important that he could do everything in-house. So if I needed a crown, the crown could be made here. If I need the sedation, it could be done here. He does it all. Every time I come in, there’s something new. One time, it was like, what is this equipment? He’s like, oh no, this is fine. We’re just going to do this. We have this here and we’re going to bond these teeth. Because I am a… not a scaredy-cat but there’s a little bit of tension when I come here. He’s just calm and I like the staff. I like Dr. Parks and I know that when I get here, whatever the problem is going to be taken care of. If you’re looking for a dentist, Dr. Parks is your man. Alluvial Dental Service, provides everything you could need. He’s a very kind man and has a great bedside manner. I have referred my own family members to come here. Even my grandchildren came here. So we want to start them off with a good experience, with a great dentist, and a great facility.
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